DeCoSystem Report Tools help the user to optimize the production performance integrating the quality control of Spectro system with statistical information about the previous and the current production.
DRT tools are composed of two software modules:
Post Production Report (PPR)
Post Production Report can help the user to setup a new production showing the results of the last past production of the same article.
The starting page provides an overview of the reference model of the article and the distribution of the worst ten regions (green rectangles). On the top of the view global statistical data of the last production are available.
The graph button of the starting page introduces to the distribution graph of the defects (per hour and shifts) in absolute values and in percentages. In the percentage distribution graph the trend respect to scrap target is clearly visible (red line). Averages values of distribution are also availables (blue line).
On the main page and clicking in any area of the reference image the following detailed view will be showed:
After the selection of the defected region (red rectangle) will be possible to examine each defect using the centered grid navigation function, in the left grid global statistical data will be summarized.
Live Production Report (LPR)
The live report provides an overview of the performance of the running production. This report has to be dispalyed on a additional vision system monitor that runs a web browser.